My special thanks go to Dr. Eduardo Lavado D.V.M., propietor of the "De Los Medanos" bloodlines for gifting me with a personalized tour of the kennels I had only previously read about in old Dogo pedigrees. These breeders featured here are among the oldest, most established kennels in the breed. To my regret, we were unable to visit all of them in the southwest interior of Argentina due to time constraints. To them and the breeders located in and around Buenas Aires, my deepest sincere apologies, maybe next trip......
"Type" is described by the detail in every standard of the purebred dog which makes that breed unique unto itself, an Illusive idea. For standards are not meant to dictate but an idea to breed towards. No perfect dog (dogo) exists. We only have the standard to guide us and own subjective opinion, only an interpretation of the standard. If the standard is changed for any reason, good or bad, right or wrong, it changes the appearance of the dogo.
The standard of both specialty clubs here in the United States has changed, one has even changed the name of the breed. Here they have started a new breed called the "Argentine Dogo".
We at Stilwaters'(a Las Aquas Mansas) breed to the Original Standard written by the creator of the breed, Dr. Antonio Nores-Martinez M.D., we breed Dogo Argentinos. Our goal is to preserve "type" not improve it. The extensive use of genetic testing is to insure the future of the Dogo and reduce the possibility of hereditary anamolies.
My trip to Argentina combined with our efforts to compete with our Dogos on an International level are to insure what we are breeding here at Stilwater Dogos' is characteristic or typical of Dogos produced in Argentina, both past and present.
The first kennel we stopped at was "Gualilan" owned by Victor Solozzo D.V.M. in Buenas Aires. Victor has also completed an instructional video on the Dogo Standard. His dogo "Bon Bon De Los Medanos" won Best In Special at last the Dogo Specialty judged by the late Reuben Passet Laustra.

Victor and family
Rio Cuatro(IV)was our next stop, the famous criadero: "De EL Tumi". Owned and operated by Luis Milla and his family. His Dogos are widely recognized all over the world. He has produced World Champions and today,his lines continue to reproduce this honor in Europe. He was introduced as a good friend of Dr. Lavado's and they have interbred dogos for the last 20 years. I have only video footage which has now been transferred, so we apologize for the poor quality of photo.
Next we stopped at the "De Los Chosme" kennel owned and operated by Mario Ponticelli

Left : Mario's grandchildren Center:Old dogos from Mario's photo album Right: me and Nina
Arriving in Mendoza, I met David Guajardo, propietor of the line "Del Malun"
Left:David with his family & 3 week old pups

Del Aruen Kennels owned and operated by the Andres and Janina Gentiles family

In Mendoza there were several Dogo kennels...... In my opinion, One stands apart from the rest. Dr. Eduardo Lavado D.V.M. owner and proprietor of the illusive "Los Medanos" Dogos...